7 Steps for Managing Anxiety Fast
Dear Quarantine,
You've got me feeling emotions
Deeper than I've ever dreamed of
-Mariah Carey
Y’all, I have been IN MY FEELS this week. I’m talking Life Sucks playlist on Pandora, angsty teen mood swings, long drives to feel sorry for myself, melodramatic melancholy.
Seriously though, I’m in a full-blown f-u-n-k. I don’t know if it’s me being completely FED UP with quarantine (seriously, I know you don’t believe me — but it’s hell for us introverts too, mmk? — or if it’s because Mercury is retrograde (a-fucking-gain), or if it’s the LITERAL three tons of gluten I’ve eaten in the past three months. New body who dis?
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
REGARDLESS of the cause, it took me hitting the proverbial rock bottom of my quarantine blues to open an old note on my phone that I’d scrawled in therapy many moons ago. It saved me (more than once) from being devoured whole by my anxiety, and who knows, it might serve as the Helen Hunt I desperately need to save me from this Twister of emotions, today. Sharing because we’re friends. And for good karma. ✨🔮✨
7 Quick Tips for Managing Anxiety (and Reducing Emotional Burnout) with Mindfulness
Find a spot where you can sit undisturbed for a couple of minutes
Notice and pay close attention to body sensations
How does your body feel? Is there a color associated with the sensation(s)? Where do you feel it? It can be difficult but don’t jump ahead to assign reason/logic to the feelings, just feel — acknowledging each feeling/emotion as it pops up.
Tune into the sensation(s) to find out what you need
Ask yourself what needs are associated with these sensations. Could it be comfort? Patience with yourself? Space? Attention? Validation? Something else?
Take notice of your reactions to these needs
How do you feel about the needs that came up? Do other sensations, thoughts, or emotions arise?
Plan for action
What can you do (either right now or in the next x hours) to meet these needs?
Root yourself in the present
Know this. Love this. Repeat this: You are not alone. You are understood. And (maybe most importantly) your thoughts and feelings are valid.
Give yourself what you need
If you’re committing to better managing your anxiety, act on the promise(s) you made to your mind and body.
Good right? Maybe you haven’t bought into therapy speak just yet, but I PROMISE it hits the spot in those panicky moments — trust and believe, my friend — tunnel vision, be damned!
Closing Thoughts
Anxiety can hit like an ACME anvil — right out of the blue sky for seemingly no reason. When you start to feel it spool up, I encourage you to refer back to these seven simple steps to help manage it (and HOPEFULLY come back down to earth.)
In all honesty, I don’t refer to this as much as I should. That said, I’ve always got this list in my pocket, and from here on out, SO DO YOU. We got this. Life Sucks playlist now *optional*